I know I do it, and I don’t think I’m alone….at the end of December, I write a long list of goals and resolutions for the new year. Come February, I can’t remember what they were, let alone find that damn list!

First of all, let me share a few of my resolutions for the new year (I like to keep them attainable):
– Make beds each morning
– Start each day with a clean sink
– Use chore charts
– Go on a date night every 2 weeks
– Budget monthly
– Do once a month cooking
– Quit smoking
– Clean vehicle every week
– Workout 3x week

I want this year to be different than the past. I want to remember my goals, be conscious of my progress, and be proud of myself this coming December when I reflect back on the year. Maybe this December, I will actually be able to make some new resolutions, instead of revisiting short comings of the past.

It may seem counterintuitive to write about technology and apps in a blog about keeping life simple….but stick with me here! I love finding useful apps for my iPhone that really DO make my life more simple. I found an app that I really think will help me stick with some of these resolutions. It’s called “Calendar Tracker”. Here’s how I’m using it:

The app allows you to keep multiple calendars. On each of these calendars, I’m tracking my progress with a specific goal. For example, I set up my workouts calendar that I want to work out 3x week.

Each time I work out, I simply check off the date I completed it. There is the option to enter some details.

At the end of the month, I can check out my stats and see how I did.

20130203-145549.jpg Judging by my January scores, I need to step it up a notch!

I like this app because it is handy – I always have my phone with me. I don’t have to remember where any lists are! It also forces me to be accountable to myself, which is key to achieving personal success. Wish me luck!