Tag Archive: flowers

The Hummingbird

I had almost forgotten all about this photo I took this summer….


“A flash of harmless lightning,
A mist of rainbow dyes,
The burnished sunbeams brightening,
From flower to flower he flies.”
– John Banister Tabb

Many summer mornings, while sitting on our lakeside deck, sipping my coffee and enjoying the quiet solitude, I could hear more often than actually see this little hummingbird. This day, I was lucky to react quickly enough to capture its silhouette against the morning sky.

First Snowfall

“The first fall of snow is not only an event, it is a magical event. You go to bed in one kind of a world and wake up in another quite different, and if this is not enchantment then where is it to be found?” – J.B. Priestley



Wildflowers in Sunset

A few posts ago, I wrote about the wildflower gardens I had planted this year. They are blooming like crazy and the flowers are so beautiful.

Tonight, I glanced out my kitchen window, and literally ran outside so that I would not miss this photo opportunity. The timing was perfect, because I think that the lighting in these shots is amazing!





My Wildflower Gardens

When we moved in, the yard attached to our home had many long neglected flower beds. Too many to fill with bedding plants, if even considering budget alone.

Our lakefront property is, for the most part, natural vegetation. I wanted something in those flower beds that looked like it belonged.

So, I dug out all the grass and weeds, added some fresh dirt and a wildflower seed mix.

As the flowers bloom in the various beds, there is something new each day. It’s been a treat to come home from work and see what new pretty flower has blossomed during the day.








” Daisies are like sunshine to the ground.” – Drew Barrymore

Some of you may remember this antique wagon from one of my fall posts.

I absolutely love it, and try to use it in my outdoor decorating each season. I also enjoy outdoor flower gardening, and could not wait to put the wagon to use this summer!

I bought a couple of galvanized buckets for a few dollars each. Then my son and I had a fun outing together picking out some bedding plants.

All it took was some quick transplanting and plunking the pots in the wagon and it was done. Simple and pretty!




Pretty Petunias




For Mother’s Day this year, I received a huge array of plants and flowers for my outdoor planters and hanging pots. I was so excited!! My family sure knows how to make me happy!

I arranged my hanging baskets first, and they have already begun to bloom. So pretty! If you follow my blog, I’m sure you know I couldn’t resist a few photos of the first flowers…

Make Time

“Nobody sees a flower really; it is so small. We haven’t time, and to see takes time…” – Georgia O’Keeffe


African Violet

My youngest daughter gave me a beautiful African Violet for Valentine’s Day this year.

I absolutely love violets, but they are tricky!! After a few weeks, they usually stop blooming for me….I don’t know what I’m doing wrong!! I’m great with outdoor plants (probably because Mother Nature picks up my slack), but not so much with indoor plants.

For that reason, a few years ago I got into the habit of always taking a few photos of any beautiful flowers and plants I am given as gifts. It is a great way to preserve the memory long after I manage to kill off the plant!


“That queen of secrecy, the violet.” – John Keats