I have been making my own cleaners for many years now, and I swear by them! It all began after I had kids. As toddlers, my kids always wanted to help mommy clean. (Amazing, I know!) I wanted to encourage it while it lasted! I didn’t exactly want to hand over a bottle of toxic chemicals to a two year old, though…

I started simple, just mixing together vinegar and water. I would give this to the kids in a spray bottle, and armed with a few rags they would tackle windows, mirrors, and would even spot wash walls.

Over the years, I have experimented with many different concoctions. Some have worked wonderfully, others, not so much. For my everyday all-purpose spray, I stick to a basic, simple mixture. This is what I’ve been using for years. It’s cheap and easy to make, and the tea tree oil has disinfecting properties. I love the way tea tree oil smells, too! This spray works great on all surfaces, even mirrors!

All-Purpose Cleaner

1 cup distilled water
1 cup white vinegar
1 teaspoon dish soap (I use Sunlight)
20 drops tea tree oil

Mix all ingredients together. Use in a spray bottle.


I even use this when cleaning my tub and shower. I spray everything down with the cleaner then sprinkle the base of the tub with baking soda. I give everything a good scrub, using just a rag or a scrub brush. I give it a rinse with water, then another spray with cleaner. I then wipe everything down with a clean dry rag. My tub sparkles and smells wonderfully fresh…all with no harsh chemicals. Rubber gloves not required!